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What We Do

Postpartum 12 Month Medicaid Extension

Mississippi Health Advocacy Program recognizes the importance of postpartum care to Mississippi moms. Currently, Medicaid covers moms for 60 days following delivery. Since 2020, the Public Health Emergency (PHE) has granted postpartum mothers a continuity of care. However, the PHE could end soon, leaving thousands without health care. With the postpartum extension, the care period would be extended from 60 days to 12 months, as recommended by care providers. Medicaid funds over half (65%) of births in Mississippi, whose pregnancy-related mortality ratio is double the national average. MHAP will continue to advocate for the passage of postpartum extension, as it will improve both the mental and physical health of moms, as well of health outcomes of Mississippi children.

Medicaid Expansion

Mississippi Health Advocacy Program continues to support the expansion of Medicaid in the state. With over 200,000 working Mississippians that stand to gain access to affordable health care, MHAP works to make this a reality for the state. Through providing relevant policy papers, economic studies, polling and story banking we strive to make Mississippi Medicaid expansion an issue central to the success of Mississippians and our state economy.



Public Health Emergency (PHE) Unwinding

Consumer Resources

Do you or a family member currently have health coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)? If so, you may soon need to take steps to find out if you can continue your coverage. Soon, Mississippi will resume Medicaid and CHIP eligibility reviews. This means some people with Medicaid or CHIP could be disenrolled from those programs.



Community Toolkit

In March 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) temporarily waived certain Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) requirements and conditions.The easing of these rules helped prevent people with Medicaid and CHIP—in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five U.S. territories—from losing their health coverage during the pandemic. However, states will soon be required to restart Medicaid and CHIP eligibility reviews. According to some estimates, when states resume these reviews, up to 15 million people could lose their current Medicaid or CHIP coverage through a process called “unwinding.”



Adult Medicaid Dental

Mississippi Health Advocacy Program continues to advocate for more extensive dental coverage for adult consumers. Currently, Mississippi has one of the most limited coverage systems, covering fewer than 100 diagnostic, preventive, and minor and major restorative procedures approved by the ADA. When compared to other states in the nation, Mississippi reports the poorest oral health and higher rates of tooth loss and decay. Oral health impacts overall wellness. Through education campaigns and advocacy, MHAP will push to make sure all Mississippians have access to oral health care by seeking expansion of extensive coverage to adult consumers.

Medicaid Consumer Assistance

MHAP is recognized nationwide as the Mississippi catalyst and convener for bringing people together to serve health consumers efficiently and effectively. MHAP does this by engaging and working with local community – based organizations to provide them with timely, useful resrouces on Medicaid enrollment and post-enrollment issues. While MHAP is most widely recognized for its public health policy work, we have responded to the needs of Mississippians by providing Medicaid consumer health insurance assistance. Our Health Help Mississippi program direct enrollment assitance to consumers that are experiencing issues with both private and public insurance. Visit for more information on Health Help’s services.